Monica Hershaft

Mystery Illness Expert, HHP, NC, NRT


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Monica Hershaft is a bestselling author, speaker and holistic practitioner. After almost 15 years running the top holistic health and wellness center in Los Angeles, she launched Treat the Source, a monthly online membership community that includes her 12 Module Online Health Reboot as well as vetted resources, services, and access to Guest Health Experts for those suffering from chronic symptoms who can't get a true diagnosis. It's a true "biohacking" wonderland all for the price of Netflix to provide the owner's manual to your body! 

Her most recent book, Treat the Source Not the Symptom: The 3 Pillar System to Get Your Health Back, is now available on Amazon. Responsible for healing over thousands of people struggling with undiagnosed illness, Monica has established herself as a true trailblazer in the wellness space.

After being plagued with her own mystery illness for over ten years, Monica knows firsthand the frustration that chronic symptoms and an improper diagnosis can create for those struggling. Having this first hand experience, has allowed Monica to not only heal her clients physically, but to understand them on a deep, personal level. 

Vegan vs. Paleo When You Are Raised Vegan by THE Animal Rights Activist But Get Sick ...

Monica’s conflict over incorporating animal protein and going Paleo in order to recover her health was the most difficult dilemma she had ever faced because she was born and raised Vegan. Her father is famed Animal Rights Activist, Founder, and Holocaust Survivor, Alex Hershaft.

Her 10-year chronic, mystery illness finally resolved through a combination of adopting an altered Paleo style diet along with eliminating toxic overload because diet and nutrition alone was not enough to help restore immune function. This ethical crossroads was heartbreaking and riddled with doubt due to her upbringing and knowledge of the factory farming conditions. She will never consume animal protein that has been conventionally farmed, opting only for sourcing from grass fed, pasture raised Paleo-centric farms.

Her father’s many talks on the connection between animals being killed for food and their family’s experience in the Holocaust, being transported in cattle cars to be killed in the camps, weighed heavily on her decision. Her father, Alex Hershaft, is well known all over the world for his Animal Rights organization and his many talks and videos about the connection between the Holocaust and the Vegan lifestyle. Monica was heartbroken that she was unable to recover her health as a Vegan.

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Monica's Health Story

See over 70 of our 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ testimonials on Yelp!

"You have given so much during this summit. It's the first summit I have ever listened to where I actually feel supported and guided. I love the fact that we have direct contact with your amazing practitioners; I have NEVER experienced this before! And I am having so many 'aha' moments! And I realized this morning, after I listened to the Q&A with Monica Hershaft that my inner dialogue is beginning to shift! After a life time of hopelessness I am beginning to hear my inner voice go from a general "F off everybody" to "I know I can get well, I know it! I know it! I always knew I could!" And that's HUGE! Thank you SO, SO, SO, much!!! xxx "

Lara D.

"Hi, I was extremely impressed with your presentation on the mystery summit. I listen to a lot of health summit programs, I was very impressed with yours. They describe many of my own experiences. I had RA symptoms for 8-10 years before one lab test out of many was positive for RA two years ago."

Mystery Summit Attendee

"I just saw your talk on Fix for Female Hormones and it was INVALUABLE!"

Judy E.
Fix For Females Hormones Summit

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Bestselling Author of

"Treat the Source Not the Symptom:

The 3 Pillar System to Get Your Health Back"

Are you tired of going from doctor to doctor only to be told it’s in your head or nothing is wrong with you? How much time and money have you been wasting?

Being told nothing is wrong with you is invalidating, heart breaking, disappointing and NOT TRUE. This book is for those of you who have chronic symptoms and you CANNOT GET A DIAGNOSIS. How are you supposed to fix or heal from something that they can’t even find? Don't let them tell you it's in your head.

There are so many things that can affect your health and quality of life that simply can’t be found in labs. There are ways to get the answers you are looking for and get your health and your life back!

Get Your Copy On Amazon Now!

If you would like to contact Monica about a Speaking Opportunity, Media Appearance, or Teaching Engagement please use the form below.