Find out HOW & WHY you have symptoms and WHAT to do about it

(even if your labs are normal!)
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I’m guessing you’re here because nothing you’ve tried has worked…

and you can’t get a REAL diagnosis or actual relief.

Do your labs check out normal, but you still have symptoms? 

Have you been given a “blanket” diagnosis (like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or anxiety) that doesn’t really mean anything at all?

Are you taking medications but hate the side effects (or feel like they don’t even help?)

Do you feel like you’re on a roller coaster of better - worse - better - worse—with no end in sight?

Then keep reading because I have something for you...
I Want Something That Works

What if there were physical & fixable reasons for your symptoms—that most doctors don’t even know to check for?

There are things that cause symptoms long before they show up on labs or medical tests. Most diagnoses are just a label or a name for a bunch of symptoms that are defined by "inflammation of the_______ (insert organ name here)" BUT WHY??

Tell me more

Imagine if you could...

(these are some results we have seen)

✔️ Get your energy back
✔️ Stop needing meds
✔️ Sleep better
✔️ Feel happier & lighter
✔️ Eliminate allergies
✔️ No more food sensitivities
✔️ Reduce pain & inflammation
✔️ Improve your digestion & poop
✔️ Fight off illness
✔️ Increased immune function
✔️ Brain fog relief
✔️ Clear glowing skin
✔️ Improve metabolism
✔️ Balanced hormones
✔️ Your body works better
✔️ Absorb & use your nutrients
I Want Results Like This
Let's uncover why you have symptoms in...

  Treat The Source Health Reboot

a 12-week online group program to get your health back on track

Sign Me Up! I'm Ready

Here's What's Included

Live Breakthrough Sessions  

Discover why you have symptoms and how to reduce and improve them through these empowering weekly sessions with Monica. She’ll take you on a deep dive to understand fixable health issues (like poor nutrient absorption, toxic overload, blocks to healing & more!)

Live sessions will be held via Zoom on Wednesdays at 5:30 PT / 8:30 ET starting October 19th. 

Interactive Q&A’s

Here’s where the magic happens. During each weekly session, you’ll have the opportunity to ask Monica ANYTHING. You’ll get your questions answered by a holistic health & nutrition professional with years of experience treating mystery symptoms and more. 

Q&A’s happen live during every weekly session!

Recorded Replays

Not available to make it to the breakthrough sessions live? No problem. All sessions will be recorded and promptly posted inside your membership area. You can watch them at your convenience so that you keep up your momentum & stay on track. It's better if you can attend live but on occasion, if you miss, you are covered!

Replays are easily accessed through your membership portal.

Weekly Action Steps

This program is structured so that you will take action to reclaim your wellness and know what to do get your health back on track. Monica will give you action steps each week. You will also fill out a weekly food log & symptom tracker.

Simple changes in everyday life can make a big difference!

Personalized Food Log Feedback

The support doesn’t end with live interactive sessions. As part of the program, you will receive personalized (and private via email) feedback on your food log every week for the entire 12 weeks. 

Food Log Reviews are usually only available to Monica’s 1:1 patients!

Lifetime Access

We know life gets busy, and you might miss an occasional session. That’s why you’ll have unlimited access to all of the content inside your membership area forever and access to the live replays for 3 months. You can also download the replays to your home computer to save permanently!

Extended access means you can go back to access the information when you need it!

Sign Me Up!

Treat the Source gives you a personal touch and direct access to ME with live Q&A and support

Most online programs offer you a recording and no personal connection so you have to figure things out on your own and hope you are on the right track.

How to Get Started

Sign up! Check your email for instructions & link to your personal portal
Fill out your weekly Food Log and submit for personalized feedback
Fill out Toxins Assessment & review the action steps from week to week
Show Up for Zooms. Submit your questions or ask them live. Get answers!
Sign Up!

Not convinced?

I struggled with mystery symptoms for 10+ years.

Believe me when I say that I get it. I’ve been where you are.

My symptoms started when I was 34 and sent me on a journey of 10+ years of brain fog, exhaustion, inability to eat solid food, heart palpitations, unable to sleep more than 2-3 hours, the skin around my eyes and mouth was cracking and bleeding, and more and more mystery symptoms each year that went by.

Nobody could figure out what was wrong with me and I couldn't get a diagnosis or any answers. I was told my labs were normal and it was in my head. Nothing I tried worked!

I got my health back and have never been sick again because I found out how to treat the source, instead of trying to squash the symptoms!

~Monica Hershaft HHP, NC, ACT NRT

I'm Ready! Let's Do This

What People Are Saying

Priscilla B.

I've sought care with GI's for my gut problems and nurse practitioners for my hormone issues, and most of the time I was left with more questions than answers. From the beginning, Monica’s helped me gain the confidence about being able to take control of my health instead of being at its mercy.

While following her program, I've experienced immense relief with almost all symptoms gone. One of my fav parts of the program is all the information I've been able to gain through her online portal. I understand the importance of treating the source and not the symptoms!"

Adrian M.

So now here I am writing this review and I feel so great! I can work out, DJ, produce music and whatever else i want. I feel like my life is back! She also tells you how to eat, what water to drink and other great information that will help you learn what true health is. I feel bad again for people that say "oh what she tells you to eat is hard!" should be eating like that anyways. It doesn't make sense to me why people think eating crap is not going to hurt your body. To be honest, I am even more strict then what she tells me to eat.  Listen to her and do what she says because she really knows how to help people."

Sarina G.

"I signed up for Monica's program due to some hormonal skin issues and not feeling myself after having my third baby. I started to feel a lot better in such a short time from following her diet and lifestyle plan.

I always considered myself to be a healthy eater, but I truly did not realize how much sugar I was eating on a daily basis for pretty much most of my life, and she helped me really alter my diet and learn how it was affecting my overall health. If you are willing to put in the work, you will feel better!"

Gaylen M.

"Monica and her program is absolutely AMAZING!!! It completely changed my life and overall wellness. What I learned through Monica's program is that I am highly sensitive to foods and chlorine/metals and EMF waves from my electronic devices.

By changing my food and habits through Monica's customized program, all of my symptoms that I had been plagued with most of my life, thinking it was normal, disappeared. There was a point where I had a flash realizing...this is how my body is supposed to feel! I had never known it to feel that good and healthy, not even as a young child. Once you experience a body that feels healthy, you will NEVER want to go backwards"

Pepper S.

"I have been plagued with stomach issues for as long as I can remember. I would eat food and would either get a headache, feel bloated, lethargic, nauseous or all of the above. My digestion was also very slow. after eating a meal around 8pm and would have to sit up in bed passed midnight because I still felt like there was a brick in my stomach.

4 months into the program, I am a changed person. Monica has greatly improved the quality of my life. She has taught me so much and completely changed everything I thought I knew about food. You definitely have to discipline yourself and do the work, but if you are willing, the results are unbelievable"

Tap M.

"I'm an oncologist which means I've been trained in conventional thinking for too long when it comes to health and wellness. I'm 7 months into the program and I'm off all meds, including recently my allergy med which I never thought possible, and my diet and energy are the best they've ever been. But just to give you an idea of how amazed I've been, I have started to educate myself in all aspects of holistic health and I now regularly lobby my doctor-friends to learn about non-medication approaches to health.  The only thing I'd warn is that you should come to Monica when you are serious about getting healthy and are willing to make it a major priority in your life."

Is This Right For Me?

Don’t get me wrong—just about anyone could benefit from this program. But it is intentionally designed to help those struggling with mystery symptoms.

If you:

✔️ Have been given a vague diagnosis that doesn’t make sense or…
✔️ Can't get a REAL diagnosis because your labs are normal or…
✔️ Are stuck on medications that just don’t feel right or…
✔️ Feel like you aren’t getting satisfactory answers about your health or…
✔️ Want to reduce inflammation and improve your immune function…
✔️ Want to understand WHY you have symptoms and how to improve them…

Treat the Source Health Reboot is absolutely for you.

That's Me!

A-Ha Moments

Here are just a few a-ha moments you might have…


✔️ Why you can have symptoms before anything shows up on labs or screenings

✔️ Why nothing seems to work no matter what you try

✔️ How to reduce inflammation, improve immune function, & alleviate symptoms

✔️ Which foods to eat or avoid for healing (you might be surprised!)

✔️ What you can do every day to stop the toxic burden in your daily life

I'm Ready!

Meet Monica

Responsible for healing thousands of people struggling with chronic illness, Monica Hershaft has established herself as a true trailblazer in the wellness space. 
Monica is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Nutritional Consultant with Advanced Clinical Training Certification in NRT, a bestselling author and motivational wellness speaker. 
After 14 years building one of the top-rated wellness centers in Los Angeles, she relocated to Scottsdale, AZ where she works 1:1 in person with clients to help those who are struggling with chronic symptoms and can't get a real diagnosis, to get their health and life back.
✔️ Holistic health practitioner & nutrition expert certified in NRT/ACT providing 1:1 in person visits
✔️ Founder of the top rated holistic health & nutrition private practice with over 60+ 5 star reviews (2008)
✔️ #1 Amazon bestselling author of the book, Treat the Source, Not the Symptom
✔️ Listed by CBS as one of the top 10 holistic health & nutrition experts in the nation
✔️ Featured speaker in multiple health summits & national podcasts
✔️ Survived and now THRIVING and symptom free at 57 years old after a 10 year debilitating chronic mystery illness in her 30s

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