Find out how and why you got symptoms and what won't show up in labs!

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get a customized naturopathic treatment plan to get your health back & keep it!

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βœ”οΈyour labs are normal
βœ”οΈnothing you try works
βœ”οΈyou think you are unfixable 

I know how overwhelming and hopeless it feels when you can’t get answers and nothing works to get rid of your symptoms. Β 

➑️ Do you feel like "I'm doing EVERYTHING right but nothing is working!"

➑️ Can't get a diagnosis that makes sense or has solutions?

➑️ Do you feel like you are on a roller coaster of better worse better worse or just stuck?

➑️ Maybe you are on meds that are not working & causing even more symptoms?

I Want Something That Works

You deserve to feel heard, valued, “gotten” and understood.
We are here FOR YOU.

We can explain why nothing has worked until now, and how we can help.

Results We Have Seen

βœ”οΈ Get your energy back
βœ”οΈ Stop needing meds
βœ”οΈ Sleep better
βœ”οΈ Feel happier & lighter
βœ”οΈ Eliminate allergies
βœ”οΈ No more food sensitivities
βœ”οΈ Reduce pain & inflammation
βœ”οΈ Fix your digestion & poop
βœ”οΈ Fight off illness
βœ”οΈ Increased immune function
βœ”οΈ Brain fog relief
βœ”οΈ Clear glowing skin
βœ”οΈ Improve metabolism
βœ”οΈ Balanced hormones
βœ”οΈ Your body works better
βœ”οΈ Absorb & use your nutrients
I Want Results Like This

How It Works

Most health programs go on endlessly and you have to keep going back to treat more symptoms

This 3-Phase Treatment Plan has a Beginning, Middle, and End. Then you are DONE! Because it works.

🀍 Immune Restore

➑ we identify which bugs, toxins and digestive issues your body is dealing with

➑ you are on supplements that are helping your body with pathogens, toxins, supporting digestion and organ support

➑ you start to feel symptom relief as we are fixing the "overwhelm" on your body

➑ you eat the foods that help your body heal & repair and avoid the food that is preventing your body from healing

➑ you find out what is causing your symptoms and how your body got sick

🀍 Repair & Rebuild 

➑ even more symptom relief & supplements go down by 60-70%

➑ body out of emergency state and working better than ever

➑ you will continue to be on less and less supplements as your body starts kicking in and needing less support

➑ addressing the underlying imbalances and inflammation that started the dysfunction so the buggies won't come back

➑ finish repairing digestion so the body can digest and use your nutrients on its own

🀍 Maintenance 

➑ symptoms resolve & your body no longer needs additional support

➑ your body can now digest properly and self balance without needing support

➑ we've eliminated inflammation and interference in your body

➑ your body can fight and protect itself properly as it was built to do

➑ you are on 1 or 2 daily supplements

➑ you know how to keep your health!

Welcome to your new YOU!

I'm Ready!

Your Initial Consult: What to Expect 60-90 mins

Consult, Exam & Body Analysis: $375

βœ”οΈ  Fill out and submit a detailed health history evaluation form & food log
βœ”οΈ  We will review your health evaluation form with you as well as your goals
βœ”οΈ  Body scan & analysis to determine the underlying issues that are causing your symptoms
βœ”οΈ  Check for physical blocks to healing to see if the nervous system is "blocked" or "switched"
βœ”οΈ  Discuss the findings from the body scan to explain what is causing your symptoms (it's never any ONE thing!)
βœ”οΈ  Go over how the ongoing weekly treatment plan works and decide if it's a good fit
βœ”οΈ  Review and provide feedback for your current diet
βœ”οΈ  Answer your questions

⭐  More questions? Click here to go to our FAQ section
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If You Sign Up for the Treatment Plan

Weekly Re-Checks: $100-$150 per visit

βœ”οΈ  A clinical supplement program designed for your unique body to remove interference, address blocks to healing & restore balance (supplements extra)
βœ”οΈ  Progress monitoring & symptom review with a weekly physical body scan
βœ”οΈ  Supplement and dosage adjustments as needed to accommodate the healing process
βœ”οΈ  Review, recommendations and guidance on your weekly food log
βœ”οΈ Go over with you which food helps you heal and how to avoid the food that is causing symptoms and preventing healing
βœ”οΈ  Re Evaluation visit every 90 days where we assess your overall progress
βœ”οΈ  Online Patient Education Program to explain how and what we are doing to help your body heal and how to maintain it
βœ”οΈ  Unlimited questions & emails as needed with Monica between visits
⭐  Weekly in person re-check visits are required to adjust your program until stabilized

Save money with pre-pay packages (more details in FAQ)
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How to Get Started

Book your consult, exam & body analysis appointment

Find out what is causing your symptoms

Ask any questions & decide if you want to sign up

Get started with your customized treatment plan!

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Why This is Different From Anything You Have Tried Before

πŸ”Ή This healing program has a beginning, middle & end because it works. You don't have to endlessly come back! 
πŸ”Ή We customize a naturopathic treatment plan tailored for your unique body to address the underlying cause.
πŸ”Ή No two treatment plans are alike because no two bodies are alike.
πŸ”Ή If your nervous system is "switched" or "blocked", it won't respond properly to treatment. We can identify & correct that!
πŸ”Ή Most of these won’t show up in normal labs and CAN be found and fixed!

We help you get rid of chronic symptoms by IDENTIFYING the underlying cause and TREATING THE SOURCE of your symptoms including:


What People Are Saying

Click to read 70+ of our 5⭐ testimonials on our yelp page.

We have seen symptom relief and lab improvements with:

βœ”οΈUlcer/ Colitis
βœ”οΈLeaky Gut

βœ”οΈFood Sensitive
βœ”οΈBrain Fog
βœ”οΈChron Fatigue

βœ”οΈHormonal Imbalance
βœ”οΈHair Loss
βœ”οΈHeavy Metals

βœ”οΈChemical Toxins

βœ”οΈChronic UTI
βœ”οΈInterstitial cystitis
βœ”οΈHyper or Hypo Thyroid

βœ”οΈMold Illness
βœ”οΈChronic Pain

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What Happened to Me & My "Why"

As someone who struggled for 10 years with a chronic mystery illness, I know what it feels like to be sick not be able to find any answers.

"I couldn't work and was so weak & fatigued that I couldn't think straight or stand up long enough to take a shower. I couldn't sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time (for years), couldn't eat solid food without horrible pain, had heart palpitations, severe brain fog, mood swings, and the skin was painfully coming off of my face and sometimes bleeding for no apparent reason. I felt crazy."

The docs said that nothing was wrong with me. My labs were normal. I knew that wasn't true so I kept searching until I got real answers and got my health back and have never been sick again since.

NOTHING I tried worked for me. Anything I did just made me sicker and weaker until I found the underlying reason why this was happening to me and treated what was blocking my nervous system from working properly.

I also had to change my nutrition even though I thought I was a healthy eater! I was wrong...I had been eating food that was compromising my health and I had NO idea.

I haven't been sick for even a day in the last 15 years and counting. I feel better at 56 years old than I did in my 20's!  Now, I have no symptoms, my energy is great and I sleep like a baby.

My "super power" is the strength to never give up. I have a never-ending belief that ANY body can be healed. I'm someone who went through this and I know exactly how you feel and how it impacts your life and how to help you.

~Monica Hershaft HHP, NC, ACT NRT

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Meet Monica

Responsible for healing thousands of people struggling with chronic illness, Monica Hershaft has established herself as a true trailblazer in the wellness space. 

Monica is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Nutritional Consultant with Advanced Clinical Training Certification in NRT, a bestselling author and motivational wellness speaker. 

After 14 years building one of the top-rated wellness centers in Los Angeles, she relocated to Scottsdale, AZ where she works 1:1 in person with clients to help those who are struggling with chronic symptoms and can't get a real diagnosis, to get their health and life back.

βœ”οΈ Holistic health practitioner & nutrition expert certified in NRT/ACT providing 1:1 in person visits

βœ”οΈ Founder of the top rated holistic health & nutrition private practice with over 60+ 5 star reviews (2008)

βœ”οΈ #1 Amazon bestselling author of the book, Treat the Source, Not the Symptom

βœ”οΈ Listed by CBS as one of the top 10 holistic health & nutrition experts in the nation

βœ”οΈ Featured speaker in multiple health summits & national podcasts

βœ”οΈ Survived and now THRIVING and symptom free at 56 years old after a 10 year debilitating chronic mystery illness in her 30s

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I believe that each and every one of you can get rid of your symptoms, and get your health back.

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We are on a waitlist for in person visits!

More Questions? Read FAQ 

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